European Film Awards @EuroFilmAwards
European Film Awards @EuroFilmAwards Gabil returns home to the humble family farmstead, surrounded by an orchard of venerable pomegranate trees; since his sudden departure twelve years ago. A to Z of #EFA2018 Feature Film Selection: POMEGRANATE ORCHARD (NAR BAĞI) by Ilgar Najaf (link:… source:
Ilgar Najaf: Biografie
nar. 1975 Arménie, Sovětský svaz Biografie Ilgar Najaf byl po etnickém konfliktu v roce 1988 s celou rodinou vyhnán z Arménie, ve třinácti letech se tak stal uprchlíkem. V letech 1993–97 studoval obor filmové a televizní režie na Ázerbájdžánské státní umělecké univerzitě. Zpočátku točil dokumenty, jmenujme např. Kölgəsiz komalar (2000) či Bir qoca var… (2002), a krátké filmy (Teatral həyat, 2009, Stříbrný Remi z WorldFest Houston). V roce 2004 založil produkční studio Buta Film. Tradiční způsob života na venkově nepoznamenaném shonem moderní doby se rozhodl tematizovat již ve svém celovečerním hraném debutu Buta (2011), příběhu sedmiletého chlapce žijícího s babičkou v horské vesnici. Film, který se stal ázerbájdžánským kandidátem na…
POMEGRANATE ORCHARD by Ilgar Najaf -synopsis
synopsis Gabil returns home to the humble family farmstead, surrounded by an orchard of venerable pomegranate trees; since his sudden departure twelve years ago he was never once in contact. However, the deep emotional scars he left behind cannot be erased from one day to the next. A private drama set in a picturesque landscape which tells of wrongdoings simmering below the surface of seeming innocence. international title: Pomegranate Orchard original title: Nar baği country: Azerbaijan year: 2017 genre: fiction directed by: Ilgar Najaf film run: 90′ screenplay: Asif Rustamov, Ilgar Najaf, Roelof Yan cast: Ilahe Hasanova, Semimi Farhad, Gurban Ismayilov, Hesen Aghayev cinematography by: Ayhan Salar film editing: Elmir…
‘Pomegranate Orchard’: Karlovy Vary Review By Laurence Boyce2 July 2017
Dir. Ilgar Najaf. Azerbaijan. 2017. 90 mins An interpretation of Chekov’s The Cherry Orchard, Ilgar Najaf’s Pomegranate Orchard (Nar baği) is a measured familial drama played out against the picturesque backdrop of the titular plantation. As a depiction of a time that has passed amidst the onslaught of modernity, it is often calm and quiet whilst hiding a maelstrom of emotions below the surface. Opening the East of the West Competition at Karlovy Vary 2017 gives the film a comparatively high profile which should net a healthy amount of interest on the festival circuit – especially considering the relative paucity of films originating from Azerbaijan. Its languid pace might not…
10 November 2017 After the show in Minsk “Pomegranate Garden” from the main competition of the Listapad’s feature films program took one of the leading positions in the viewer rating. Having watched the premiere, the audience not only actively voted, but also participated in the discussion of the film with producer Ali Isa Jabbarov, they asked questions and joked. As it turned out, the similarity with Chekhov’s “Cherry Orchard” is not the only highlight of the film. A shot from the film “Pomegranate garden” We can not understand a lot from the description of Ilgar Najaf’s picture: it echoes by its name and plot with the famous work of…